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North Allegheny Soccer Club


The club does not accept requests for registration cancellation for the TopSoccer program. The club accepts requests for registration cancellation in three cases for our travel and in-house programs:

1. Prior to the Start of the Season: A request may be submitted to the Registrar prior to the start of the season* and can be made without any specific justification.
This refund is for the registration fee less the $3 service charge for Sports Connect. Each refund is issued to the credit card used to make the purchase.

* Travel (U10 and older): The start of the season is defined as the date teams are required to be declared for the current season (typically August 1 for fall and March 1 for spring). 

* In-House (U10 and younger): The start of the season is the day two weeks prior to the first day practices are scheduled to begin. Please see the Club Calendar
link at the bottom of the page or your registration confirmation email for more specifics on dates as they are finalized each season.


2. Medical: A request submitted by the third Friday after the start of the season will be accepted only for medical reasons. This type of request must be accompanied
by a signed letter from a doctor attesting to the impossibility of the player to continue playing. This refund is for half of the registration fee less the $3 service charge.
Each refund is issued as a credit to the player’s account, which can be used toward a future registration with the club. 

3. School District Team Roster: A request may be submitted no later than a week after North Allegheny School District (or other applicable school) athletic team
rosters are announced. This type of request can be made if a player is selected to play for any school athletic team. Each refund is issued to the credit card used to
make the purchase. This refund is for the registration fee less the $3 service charge.

If you need to request a registration cancellation, please make sure to email the registrar, the president, the appropriate vice-president (travel or in-house), the player’s age group coordinator, and his/her coach (if known).

If the club is unable to roster a registered player on a team because of registration numbers, then that player will be given a full refund to the credit card used for registration.

In the event that a family registers a player for multiple community soccer organizations within PAWest including North Allegheny Soccer Club, chooses to play for a community soccer organization other than North Allegheny Soccer Club, and requests a refund from North Allegheny Soccer Club after the registration deadline, a refund will NOT be issued.

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